Unique Corals Aqua-cultured, healthy and colorful! Tank hardened.
They enjoy bright light, attach fast to new substrate, require little feeding since they are photosynthetic and are a joy to watch grow. We received the parent colonies from our friend in Japan a few years ago and have been growing them ever since. Once placed in the aquarium please give several days to open up and adjust to its new environment. Fragging can be easily done by cutting with scissors. Place the fresh cuts on a bed of small rock in very low flow where they will attach within days.
CARE LEVEL: Softie-Beginner
TEMPERAMENT: Semi-Aggressive
PLACEMENT: On Rockwork or Rubble
LIGHTING: Moderate
HUSBANDRY NOTES: Softie-Beginner- We keep our corals under Dalua/Illumagic X4 LED lights with an intensity of approximately 100 PAR and feed regularly with Polyp Lab Reef Roids and BenePets.
Note: This is a stock item. No more waiting for frags to heal! If this coral shows in stock it is ready for immediate ship-out. We have added multiple growing systems in order to help us achieve a better grow-out supply. This means that we are now proud to be able to offer our frags immediately. If you wish to purchase a larger size piece please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate.
Shown are the mother colony we frag from as well as close up (macro lens) pictures and a representation photo of a typical frag. We aim to make each frag 1” in size and larger when possibly. Occasionally the frags might be a tad smaller than 1” but if you read our reviews, you will see that we typically surpass expectations.
You may notice the slight color differences between the videos and stock photos. This is normal. The coral colors in the videos are raw (unprocessed), shot with a cell phone and taken under balanced lighting. The coral colors in the still shots are under bluer lights using a DSLR camara with minimal processing. Happy reefing!