Freshwater Shrimp Keeping and Shrimp Safe Products
Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater shrimp seem to be all the rage as of late. With their ease of care, complex lives, and brilliant colors, you can't go wrong. As owners, we must do our best to replicate a shrimps natural habitat. This will in turn increase the longevity and happiness of the shrimp and owner. Below are a few products which will help along your crustaceous journey.
Safely removes chlorine, chloramines and ammonia and detoxifies heavy metals.
Most hobbyists start out using tap water for their freshwater planted and shrimp tap. Some TDS is actually desirable for nutrition and growth of plants. However tap water has chlorine and can also have chloramines which are made up of chlorine and ammonia. ShrimpPrep removes these and also detoxifies heavy metals like copper making the water safe for immediate use.
NeoTiger KH+/GH+ and Caridina GH+
Establishes mineral balance in purified (RO/DI) and soft water.
Shrimp, other invertebrates, and aquatic plants require that specific elements be present in the water to aid with osmotic balance and ensure proper biochemical function, contributing to overall long-term health and survival. NeoTiger KH+/GH+ and Caridina GH+ fulfills this requirement with a formulation based on data compiled from up-to-date aquatic research. Provides a beneficial ratio of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium, elements which are vital to the overall health and osmoregulation of fishes, invertebrates, and many aquatic plants. When using RO water, there is no need to use ShrimpPrep.
Blackwater Clear
Provides humic substances for all shrimp & freshwater fish planted biotopes with much less color.
Adding botanicals to a freshwater aquarium provides humic substances for all shrimp & freshwater fish and planted biotopes. Humic substances are natural derivatives of organic materials found in soils and, more importantly, in many forested streams and rivers. A characteristic of humic substances is their deep brown color, which is responsible for the color of soil. Botanicals take some time to breakdown in the water which makes BlackwaterClear a valuable additive. Gradually increasing the concentration of humic substances in aquaria is an effective method of encouraging spawning in fishes.
FlorinBacter One
Complete tank starter bioculture for all freshwater shrimp, fish & planted aquaria.
FlorinBacter One is primarily designed to jump start the ammonia cycle in freshwater planted and shrimp aquariums and prevent “New Tank Syndrome.” It will instantly create a biological filter in freshwater aquaria of all types and is particularly useful for freshwater shrimp and planted aquariums. It removes toxic ammonia and nitrite naturally through bacterial oxidation. You still need to use ShrimpPrep to remove chlorine and chloramines in the water, both of which are lethal to the bacteria in this product.
Trace and minor elements for shrimp and other crustaceans & riverine fishes.
The role that trace and minor elements play with shrimp, other crustaceans and riverine fishes is related to neurological and metabolic processes, as well as overall coloration. Dosing a trace and minor supplement with every water change performed is an effective method of delivering these substances for maximum benefit. Parameters within the following ranges is generally acceptable: pH 6.5 – 7.5; dGH 4 – 6; dKH 3 – 4; however, obtaining the water parameters in which your shrimp were bred and maintaining them in these conditions is the best practice to follow.
Shrimp FlorinMulti
Complete multi-nutrient fertilizer for planted shrimp or freshwater fish aquaria with iron.
Nutrients are substances required by plants for survival; they are collectively involved in all aspects of the biological and chemical reactions that allow plants to function properly. Brightwell Aquatics Shrimp FlorinMulti provides these substances in concentrations found by researchers to be necessary for long-term health of tropical aquatic plants including Potassium, Boron, Carbon, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, and others.
Shrimp Vītamarin F
Advanced freshwater multi-vitamin supplement for all shrimp, other crustaceans & fish.
Vitamins are compounds required in minute concentrations for vital metabolic reactions. Short-term vitamin deficiencies can typically be tolerated by most organisms, however long-term deficiencies tend to result in abnormalities, poor health, and eventually even death of the specimen. It is recommended that Shrimp Vītamarin F be utilized as a soak for vitamin-deficient foods, or it may be added directly to the aquarium water, to benefit any plankton, biofilm or algae that may be present and become food sources.
FlorinBacter Clean
Unique freshwater microbial culture & enzyme blend designed to target and clean surfaces of plants, driftwood decorations & tank walls.
Brightwell Aquatics ShrimpFlorinBacter Clean is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that not only reduce the concentrations of organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in all freshwater ecosystems, but make maintenance easy by actually loosening accumulations and coatings.