Win 1 year supply of PolypLab, Blasto Pack or Pax Bellum N24! FREE to Enter
Big GiveAway winners announced!!
Here are the lucky winners:
1- Boone Blaine - Blasto pack
2- John Dela Cruz - Pax Bellum N24
3- Brandon Oliver - 1 year supply of PolypLab supplies care package
Super congrats!
Thanks for participating!
Ok guys this is super exciting!
As you know, PolypLab and Pax Bellum are beloved brands that consistently provides high quality products for beginner to pro reefers alike. We have partnered with these 2 amazing companies to bring you this fun and exciting event.
Prizes: (shipped to you for free, livestock in the contiguous US only)
1. PolypLab one year supply mega pack: 3 Reef-Roids Pro (120g), 3 Plolyp-Boosters, a Coral View Lens Kit, Premium Glue Grenage, Gensis, 4L Pro Activated Premium Carbon, and a PL Scope Flashlight - shipped ($375+ value)

2. UniqueCorals.com Blastomussa Coral Pack - shipped ($750+ value)
3. Pax Bellum N24 - shipped ($850+ value)
Prizes will be drawn using a random number generator, sorry no substitutions.
Free to enter!
How to win you ask? Well, simple!
-Simply like and tag @UniqueCorals @Polyplab @PaxBellumllc (FB or IG) #uniquecorals
-Post a photo or video of feeding Roids, or using PL products, or your PAX, your corals, or just your tank and explain why you could really use some crazy Blastos or a N24 =)
And lastly, enter you email below so we can verify your entry.
Three winners!
1 winner for the best video
1 winner picked at random for participating
and 1 winner for the best photo + write up
Winner will be announced Sept 8th.