Panta Rhei Hydrowizard: beautiful and functional
Panta Rhei made it’s first public appearance at MACNA 2014 in Denver, Colorado and with it, the first public display of their forthcoming HydroWizard Small which will henceforth be referred to as the ECM42. As a German company with an impressive capability to build their own motors, Panta Rhei has designed the HydroWizard ECM42 to be one scary water mover with tons of functionality that can be controlled via a computer or aquarium controller.
The HydroWizard ECM42 will push 5,000 gallons per hour of laminar water movement while using only 22 watts! The small body size of the ECM42 betrays its enormous water moving potential but it also has smarts baked right into its controller system.
In addition to its nifty magnetic control knob, a separate controller interface will also be available for controlling a number of all three sizes of the HydroWizard. The new interface for HydriWizard pumps connects directly to a computer for programming various flow intensity and timing functions as well as serving to install firmware updates and more programs in the future. The software that Panta Rhei demonstrated at MACNA 2014 was running on a PC but hopefully we’ll see a version for Macs as well, although you’ll still be able to get a whole lot of added support from controlling with a 0-10v connection to aquarium computers.
The HydroWizard ECM42 and ECM63 is available now at UniqueCorals.com.
The Small HydroWizard still hasn’t been seen by too many aquarists but those who do are stunned to witness the incredible amount of water movement it produces and we expect that Panta Rhei will become a serious contender in the high capacity propeller water pump market.